Why is only half of my led strip lights working?

Why is only half of my led strip lights working? LED strip lights are a popular choice for home and commercial lighting due to their energy efficiency, flexibility, and easy installation. However, like any electronic device, they can experience technical issues. One common problem users encounter is only half of the LED strip lights working. This can be frustrating, especially if you rely on these lights for ambiance or task lighting. There are several potential reasons for this issue, and in this article, we will explore the possible causes and solutions to help you troubleshoot and fix the problem.

led strip lights working

Possible Causes and Solutions

Poor Connection

One of the most common reasons for only half of the LED strip lights working is a poor connection between the power source and the light strip. This can occur if the wires are not properly connected or if there is a loose connection at the junction between two separate LED strips.


  • Check the connections between the power source and the LED strip lights. Ensure that the wires are securely connecte and that there are no loose connections.
  • If the LED strip consists of multiple sections, inspect the junctions between the sections to ensure that they are properly connecte. Re-solder any loose connections if need.

Damaged or Defective LED Strips

Another potential cause of half of the LED strip lights not working is that the LED strips themselves are damage or defective. Over time, LED strips can suffer from wear and tear, and individual LED diodes may malfunction, causing sections of the strip to stop working.


  • Carefully inspect the entire length of the LED strip lights for any visible damage or defects, such as broken or flickering LED diodes.
  • If you identify a specific section that is not functioning, try replacing that section with a new one. Be sure to use LED strip lights with the same specifications to ensure compatibility and proper functioning.

Voltage Drop

Voltage drop refers to the reduction in voltage that occurs as electricity travels along the length of the LED strip lights. If the power supply is not able to deliver a consistent voltage to the entire length of the strip, it can result in uneven lighting with only half of the strip working.


  • Check the specifications of the power supply to ensure that it is capable of delivering the requir voltage for the entire length of the LED strip lights.
  • If voltage drop is the issue, consider using a power supply with a higher voltage output or installing a separate power supply for different sections of the LED strip lights to ensure consistent illumination.

led strip lights working

Incorrect Wiring

Incorrect wiring, such as reversing the polarity or connecting the LED strip lights to the wrong terminals, can also lead to half of the lights not working. This can happen during installation or if the wiring has been tampered with.


  • Double-check the wiring of the canless recessed lighting, ensuring that the positive and negative terminals are correctly connected to the power supply.
  • If you suspect incorrect wiring, consult the installation manual or seek professional assistance to rewire the LED strip lights properly.

How to repair LED strip lights

LED strip lights are a popular lighting option due to their energy efficiency and versatility. However, like any electrical device, LED strip lights can develop problems over time and may need to be repair. Whether the issue is a broken connection, faulty component, or damage strip, it is possible to troubleshoot and repair LED strip lights yourself with the right tools and techniques.

Common Problems with LED Strip Lights

Before we delve into the repair process, it is important to understand the common problems that can occur with LED strip lights. Being aware of these issues will help you to diagnose the problem and determine the appropriate repair method.

  1. Broken or Loose Connections
    One of the most common issues with LED strip lights is broken or loose connections. This can occur if the soldered connection between the LED strips and the power source becomes damage or if the wires are not securely attached.
  2. Faulty Components
    LED strip lights are made up of various components, including LEDs, resistors, and capacitors. If any of these components fail, it can cause the entire strip to malfunction.
  3. Water Damage
    If LED strip lights are install in outdoor or wet environments, they can be susceptible to water damage. This can cause the LED strip to stop working or produce inconsistent lighting.
  4. Physical Damage
    LED strip lights can also be damage by physical impact, such as being bent or crush. This can cause the internal components to become damage or disconnecte.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before you begin repairing LED strip lights, it is important to gather the necessary tools and materials. Here is a list of what you will need:

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Wire cutters and strippers
  • Multimeter
  • Electrical tape
  • Replacement components (if necessary)
  • Heat shrink tubing
  • Isopropyl alcohol and cotton swabs
  • Heat gun or hairdryer

Now that you have all the tools and materials ready, let’s move on to the step-by-step repair process.

led strip lights working

Step-by-Step Repair Process

  1. Identify the Problem
    The first step in repairing LED strip lights is to identify the problem. Check the entire length of the LED strip for any visible damage, such as broken connections, loose wires, or physical damage. Use a multimeter to test the continuity of the connections and check for any faulty components.
  2. Repair Broken or Loose Connections
    If the issue is a broken or loose connection, use a soldering iron to reattach the wires to the LED strip and power source. Ensure that the solder joints are clean and secure. Use wire cutters to trim any excess wire and use electrical tape to insulate the connections.
  3. Replace Faulty Components
    If you have identified a faulty component, such as a damage micro-led lights or resistor, carefully desolder the component from the LED strip and replace it with a new one. Be sure to use the correct replacement component and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Dry and Clean Water Damage
    If the LED strip lights have been damaged by water, disconnect the power source and allow the strip to dry completely. Once dry, use isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab to clean any corrosion or residue from the connections. If necessary, use a heat gun or hairdryer to ensure the strip is completely dry.
  5. Repair Physical Damage
    For physical damage, such as bent or crushed LED strips, carefully bend the strip back into its original shape. Check for any damaged components or connections and repair as necessary.
  6. Test the LED Strip
    Once you have completed the repairs, reconnect the power source and test the LED strip lights to ensure they are functioning properly. Use a multimeter to check the voltage and current at different points along the strip to ensure it is consistent.


Having only half of your LED strip lights working can be frustrating, but identifying and addressing the root cause of the issue can help you restore the full functionality of your lighting. By troubleshooting the possible causes, such as poor connections, damaged LED strips, voltage drop, and incorrect wiring, you can work towards resolving the problem and enjoying even illumination from your LED strip lights once again. If you are unable to pinpoint the issue or resolve it on your own, consider seeking assistance from a professional electrician or lighting technician to ensure the proper functioning of your LED strip lights.

led strip lights working